Important Tips to Help Your Child with Their Education

Whether it’s been rough for your child to get back into the rhythm of school life (hello Covid-19) or it’s been pretty smooth, here are some practical tips that you can do to help your child tackle their education…in other words, get better grades!

Tip #1: Remind Your Child That They Have the Mind of Jesus.

What does that mean?

1 Corinthians 2:16
Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?
But we have the mind of Christ.

This verse is saying that we have access to Jesus’ thoughts and we can think like Jesus! Jesus was present when the world was created. Every plant, math problem and 1.5 million unique living things on the earth, Jesus not only understands, He was there when it was created. What better person would be able to help your child understand their school lessons than Jesus!
When your child believes in Jesus, then the Holy Spirit will live in them and your child will have access to Jesus’ thoughts. That means Jesus can give your child the ability to think and understand things that normally they would have a really hard time with.

Action Steps:

  • Pray.
    Parents, your child needs your prayers—daily! When you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to give enlightenment and wisdom to your child.
    If your child doesn’t believe in Jesus, begin praying for your child to understand God’s love and desire to know Him more. Use the How Can I Lead My Child to Jesus guide when the opportunity arises to talk with your child about Jesus and believing in Him.
  • Encourage your child to spend time in the Bible.
    The more familiar your child is with the Bible, the more familiar they’ll be with the Holy Spirit’s gentle voice, speaking in their hearts, helping them to understand their studies.
    Here’s some exceptional verses for your child to read and say over themself: Psalms 119:98-100, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 4:13
  • Have your child say Scriptures out loud. (Especially as a confession.)
    Ph.D. Contributor Susan Smalley states that “…the power of words to affect your emotions and actions are well demonstrated in science.”
    Download our free Back to School Confessions for your child! Speaking words out loud is more powerful than you might think!

I’ll never forget taking my Level 5 Music Theory exam with my sister. The preparation for this exam was a massive leap into the world of music. Some parts I loved, other parts I struggled just to understand The day of the exam, I arrived at the testing centre with hundreds of other students. Student’s looked over their notes one last time before we were admitted into the examination room. Yet my sister and I were the only ones who pulled out our Bibles, not just our notes. I remember noticing how nervous the other students were. I felt nervous too, but more than that I had the overwhelming peace of God that calmed me and reminded me that God was with me. He was going to help me to take the exam.
Months later I received the results and had achieved one of the top marks possible. I say this not to credit myself, but to show the power of speaking God’s Word and believing that I can have the mind of Christ!

Tip #2: Reward Your Child’s Hard Work!

Children can learn that hard work can be done because they “want to”, not just because they “have to”. How do we motivate that kind of attitude? By rewarding your child’s hard work!
You might be thinking that sounds like bribery. Don’t worry, it’s not at all. Bribes are given, usually in advance, in order to persuade someone to do something for you. Rewards are given as a result of something good that someone did.
Rewarding your child’s hard work encourages them to do more! And it’s an example of God’s love.

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

God is a rewarder. This is not something He does to make people like Him, this is WHO He is. He’s a loving father that wants to bless and reward His children.
In the same way, you can be a loving parent looking for ways to bless and reward your child.

Action Steps:

  • Give intentional rewards.
    Rewards don’t have to be a massive toy or sum of money.
    They can be as simple as playing a game together, taking your child to their favorite restaurant, or watching their favorite movie…and the list goes on!
    Rewards that include being together promote a beautiful, healthy relationship with your child.
  • Start with small rewards.
    What should you do if your child doesn’t work hard at anything?
    Not to worry! Start with the little things, then grow from there. For example, did your child finish all their homework before the deadline? Even if the result wasn’t the best, point out that you’re proud of your child for meeting the deadline. Then this becomes an opportunity to give a smaller reward and encourage them with the thought that next time, when they work hard to study and improve their grades, they’ll receive a greater reward!

Ps. Download our free Back to School Confessions for your child!

Article by Jael Fong, Kids Director at Faith Family Church.